Shri Anirudhacharya Ji Maharaj

Param Pujya Shri Anirudhacharya Ji Maharaj was born on 27 September 1989 in the city of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, on the Triyodashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada on Wednesday, just 9 km away from the city of Lord Vishnu Varaha, situated on the banks of the Narmada. Happened in the village. Since childhood, Maharaj Shri used to go to Shri Radha Krishna temple of his village regularly to worship Thakur ji. And being a traditional cow devotee family, they used to take pleasure in serving the cow mother.

It was very nice to play with cow's calves. When Maharaj went to graze Shri Cow, he used to take Shri Hanuman Chalisa and Gita with him and used to recite every recitation regularly. And also used to get lessons from his classmates. Thus, being interested in service and religious texts since childhood, Maharaj Shree got the privilege of studying Veda Purana and scriptures by the grace of Thakur in Shri Dham Vrindavan. In his young age, Maharaj Shree memorized the scriptures in a very short time. The initiation of Maharaj Shri was received from the Ramanujacharya sect in Shri Dham Vrindavan itself, from the supreme grace of Thakur ji, the supreme ascetic and stunning householder saint Shri Girraj Shastri Ji Maharaj Shri. Simultaneously, Maharaj Shri ji received the study of Shri Ram Katha from Ayodhya from the Guru of Anjani Cave. And after completing the study, for the first time in his native land, he narrated the story in his voice to seek blessings from Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj. And then After that, taking blessings from Shri Hanuman ji Maharaj, waving the flag of Sanatan Dharma and spreading propaganda throughout the year of India, set out on this path of devotion, changing the direction and condition of the lives of the people. When Maharaj ji came out and saw the mother power in the society being sad and oppressed by his loved ones, such a sense of service to all the mother power was awakened in the mind of Maharaj ji that where all those mothers together not only lead a happy life but in some dham. I can make this life successful by doing devotion. And then one day this spirit took a vibrant form and on May 2019, such a foundation was laid for old age home in Shri Dham Vrindavan, where by joining the entire world service, one could serve the mothers and earn merit by coming to Vrindavan.